Soaring to Success – Health

How are you Soaring to Success with your HEALTH? What are you doing to improve your health. Check out this video to…Take Control of High Blood Pressure

Continue Soaring to Success – Health

Continue Soaring to Success with your HEALTH today! Watch this short video on men’s health. For more practical info on the Soaring to Success program to help you with your health and other areas of life go to: Become a member today!

This Weeks Behavioral Objective

This weeks Behavioral Objective shows us the benefits of connecting with our purpose! #LRBC#LRBCCamden#LittleRock#CamdenChurches#CamdenRising#CamdenRises#CamdenIs#DotheWork#BeWhoGodisCallingYoutoBe#BehavioralObjective#WhereAreYouGoing#PathtoPower#Purpose#PastorofLRBC#PastorMack